Mohs Surgery
Mohs Micrographic Surgery offers the highest potential cure rate (99%) for removing skin cancer. Mohs Micrographic Surgery is and advanced technique for treating skin cancer and is best performed by a highly trained and experienced surgeon in which the physician serves as a surgeon, pathologist and reconstructive surgeon. It is performed on an outpatient basis, in one day, under local anaesthesia. The healing process is similar to that of most surgical procedures, with minimal discomfort and the greatest preservation of normal tissue, thereby minimizing scarring.
The roots of a skin cancer may extend beyond the visible portion of the cancer, if the base of the skin cancer is not properly removed, the cancer will recur.Step2:
The visible portion of the tumor is surgically removed.Step3:
A layer of skin is removed and divided into sections. The ACMS surgeon then color codes these sections with dyes while making reference marks to show the source of the sections. A map of the surgical site is made.Step4:
The undersurface and margins of the sections are examined under a microscope looking for evidence of remaining cancer.Step5:
If cancer cells are found, the ACMS surgeon marks their location and returns to the patient to remove another layer of skin, but only precisely where the cancer cells remain.Step6:
The removal process is completed then there is no longer any evidence of cancer at the surgical site. Since Mohs Micrographic Skin Cancer surgery only removes tissue containing cancer, this ensures the maximum amount of healthy tissue is preserved.
For more information about Mohs surgery please go the the official ACMS website:
Training requirements for Mohs Surgery:
Mohs expertise requires special one-two year training program certified by American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS). Dr Krunic has completed his fellowship at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and is active fellow of the ACMS.